Friday, February 19, 2010

who are they?

Tiger Woods apologized for this marital infidelities today. WHO FRIGGIN CARES. Why should I care. So what, let him fix his life privately, let him screw up his life privately. He is ONLY a sports player. Since when did we confer this overarching responsibility that they should be moral people and help guide our lives??? That is stupid. To the parents who tell them that this sports player is a role model, you are idiots. To the people who look up to Tiger as if he can tell you something about what a right and moral person is, you are ignorant. He just plays golf, and we pay him millions a year to win. That's it. If anything, all Tiger can tell us is what type of person you need to be in order to win. Michael Jordan had that, CEOs have that, they know that the only way to be at the top is to work and take advantage of the weaker in order to advance. Tiger, what you did was wrong since you decided to marry, you made an obligation and bond with another person and you did not observe that responsibility. But Tiger, that's your problem. It's your problem your life is in emotional shambles. I however don't care about you. Fail. Fail miserably. It makes no difference in my life. You have no bearing in it. It shouldn't have one in yours. Each of us have so many other people in our lives we should look to, not to a stranger that beside publicity, fortune, and fame. Quit being weak and simple minded people. Your life is your own so live it.

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